

Elisa Szesny


0044 7846-100-286



Recarbox Point
61 Fitzroy Lane
GB – G3 8LP Glasgow

Legal and technical notices

This internet offering and all contained links have been created to the best of my knowledge. I always strive to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of these pages.

However, due to the use of different internet browsers and individual software settings, there may be variations in the display of the content.


Unless otherwise stated, the rights belong to the owner of the website. Commercial use of the documents on the website is prohibited without their permission

Image credits and Copyright

I explicitly emphasize the obligation to respect copyright. It is prohibited to download image material for further use without further agreements with the website owner.

This excludes all download offers marked as such. However, these may only be used for viewing on the computer and not for redistribution or advertising purposes.